VehicularLab is part of the Security and Networking Research Group (SECAN-Lab) within the Department of Computer Science at the University of Luxembourg.

Research vision

Modern Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) rely on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to improve road safety, traffic efficiency, and driving comfort. The cooperation among traffic participants (i.e., vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists, unmanned aerial vehicles) has the benefit of generating massive amounts of new information that provides the opportunity to create a new range of C-ITS services and applications, but also faces a number of challenges: highly dynamic topology, limited, heterogeneous, and intermittent availability of communication resources, security and privacy issues.

The primary mission of the VehicularLab is to conduct fundamental and applied research in the area of C-ITS. Our goal is to explore novel solutions that integrate ICT and advanced data analysis techniques while considering the security and privacy aspects. The main research topics include, but are not limited to, vehicular and sensor networks (V2X), in-vehicle communication technologies (CAN, Automotive Ethernet, TSN), data traffic analysis, driver identification, security and privacy in vehicular networks.
